English Chatroom

English Chatroom

Hello my friends, how are you? Can you speak English? This is a Chatroom.


Eintrag von pando am 20. Mai 2023

How are you?

Eintrag von Spreak english am 23. Mai 2023

I am good

Eintrag von Cool boy am 25. Mai 2023

What did you do today?

Eintrag von Good am 26. Mai 2023


Eintrag von Silence am 27. Mai 2023

Hello, I'm good. I don't say what I did today, because it's in the morning. But I say what I did yesterday. So yesterday was friday and at seven o' clock I went to school. First I had English. We did grammar exercises. After school I didn't do my homework because it was Friday! Bye. Ach und ich bin schon in der 6. Klasse, deswegen kann ich die ganzen Vergangenheitsformen.

Eintrag von Cool Boy am 12. Juni 2023

Wow your English is quite good!

But I have one question.

Why didn't you do your homework on Friday?


Eintrag von Pando am 13. Juni 2023


Eintrag von Annie am 14. Juni 2023

Hey, how are you? I‘m fine. I haven't been here for a long time, so you probably don't know me.
See you!

Eintrag von Cool Boy am 15. Juni 2023

Hi Annie!

How old are you?

For how long were you absent?

Eintrag von Bumblebee am 23. Juni 2023

Hey everyone!

I'm so glad this chatroom was created. I love speaking and writing in English, it's even my favorite subject at school. In the meantime I have been learning English for 3 years. But except here and at school, I can't speak English anywhere. And here's some additional knowledge: My username "Bumblebee" (it's pronounced "Bambelbi" in German) means "Hummel". I actually like bumblebees quite a bit. I even don't really know why, but I just think they're looking so fluffy and cute.
For how long have y'all been learning English? I would be very interested to hear.


Eintrag von Cool Boy am 09. August 2023

Hey Bumblebee,

welcome to our very cool English chat!

I love bumblebees as they are so gentle & nice & never sting I also like their humming.

Btw your English is not only very good... it's excellent!

What are your freetime activities?

Eintrag von Finly am 11. August 2023

Hi I want to learn more English can I join your English chatroom?

Bye bye

Eintrag von Militschki am 24. August 2023

Hello how are you?

Eintrag von Finly am 24. August 2023

I am good thanks. What are you doing on the weekend?

Eintrag von Hannah am 04. März 2024

Hi. In the weekend I learned and were at a restaurant. And what did you do??


was sagt ihr????????????????????(~ Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

wir haben sehr viele deiner Fragezeichen und Smileys gelöscht, da deine Nachricht unsere Team-Seite unlesbar gemacht hat. Weniger Zeichen sind manchmal einfach besser;-)
Viele Grüße
Starky und Team

Eintrag von Hannah am 07. März 2024

Sorry,aber an Lalalalalalalalalalaalalalalalallalall.....
Lass das bitte, wenn du ganz viele Smileys benutzen möchtest,machs doch bitte im Smiley ausprobieren Chat. Es gibt viele.
Glg Hannah von den SK Müllbefreiern Smile

Eintrag von Annie am 10. März 2024

Hi Guys!
How are you? Biggrin

Eintrag von Sunshine am 11. März 2024

Hi guys, (an cool boy) do you have a girlfriend? Or are you overhauled a boy? If not, please go to the chat: Only for Sunshine and cool Boy. Thank you Best regards Sunshine

(Hoffentlich verstehst du, was ich geschrieben habe.... Smile )

Eintrag von Sunshine am 19. März 2024

Das habe ich nicht geschrieben!

Eintrag von Hannah am 20. März 2024

I know,Sunshine. To the faker: pls leave Sunshine alone!!! Diablo


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