i'm new / ich bin new

i'm new / ich bin new

I'm llluuuuiiisssaaa.
My home is the USA. CAN I PLS friend


ich bin llluuuiiisssaaa, mein zuhause ist die USA. Kann ich bittte einen Freund haben? Angel /
i'm 9
i'm 1,32
i have gold hair
my name is Lea Angel


ich bin 1,32m
ich habe Goldenes Haar
mein Name ist Lea
Lg Angel


Eintrag von Haflinger am 10. April 2021

Hi, Herzlich wilkommen/Welcome Crazy Angel Biggrin

I'm Haflinger, and i would like to be your friend Bye

But I'm a girl.. Crazy Crazy Angel

My name is Lina Angel

And I'm 12 Smile

LG Haflinger

Eintrag von CatSoCute am 10. April 2021

I could actually be your friend. (And by the way, it's "can I please find a friend", not "can I friend".)

Eintrag von Dream am 11. April 2021

Hello Lea!
Is it okay with you if I say Lea to you?

I am Dream. (My name is Elisabeth)
I'm 12 years old.
I'm from Austria
I have long brown hair.
And I would love to be your friend.

(Sorry if you can't read this but i can't speak very good english)

best regards,
Dream Biggrin Smile Bye Bad


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